

About Xcellence India

Xcellence India is all about the freedom to experiment, to think differently and to be an individual. We bring creative and unconventional approaches to our teaching and courses but everything we do is based on the highest academic standards of teaching and research so your course will help you stand out from the crowd. Xcellence_India provides Different Types of Trainings like  Basic To Advanced Excel, Excel MIS & Power Query, Google Sheet  and also we can give Trainings on Excel Mastery and Business analytics . Xcellence works to ensure students get better computer education.it provides the latest version. Xcellence India Helps you to How to get Job in IT Field.

Advanced Excel

Data Visualization
Conditional Formatting
Pivot Table

Power BI Dashboards

What We Do

Advanced Excel Institute is the excel tutorial where you can find the solutions of all your Excel and VBA related problems. We provide the training on all the topics of Excel and VBA. Our main focused areas are:
  1. Develop the Basic understanding of the Excel.
  2. Develop the strong formula writing skills in Excel.
  3. Play with the data manipulation.
  4. Strong Graphics and Dashboard Skills.
  5. Pivot and Pivot charting skills.
  6. Error Handling.
  7. Develop Accounting Skill By Using Tally Prime.
  8. Data Visualization, By Using Power BI.
  9. Data connectivity, Real Time Dashboard, Data Transformation, Data Modelling and Mobile Accessibility By Using Power Business Intelligence Tool.
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